Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gimmie Some Lovin'

Last night William, my blue mitted ragdoll, was in need of lovin'. It was so cute. Right between 9:45 and 10pm he comes up to me and does his quiet ragdoll meow. It's so funny because he opens his mouth like a normal cat but the quietest meow possible is all that comes out. It's like he whispers. Anyway, I start petting him down the back from shoulder to tail base and he just loves it so much that he flops to the floor rolls over and begs for a belly rub. This went on until 10pm when I had to get up and go to bed. I just love seeing him want attention. It actually took William a little longer than Harry to want to be loved on. Plus, I had to realize that he's just not a lap cat. He's a sit next to you or at your feet kinda guy. Once I stopped trying to hold him and learned how he likes to be loved on we really started to bond.

Tip: Every cat is different. If you can find out what they like and not force them to be what you imagine a "perfect cat" to be you'll both be happier.

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